
September, it’s harvest time

Like every year, September in Valpolicella is synonymous with harvest. It is therefore time to take stock of a year that could be remembered as one of the most complex.

2024 was affected by great meteorological instability, which once again puts us on alert to the evident climate change underway. In fact, it had been worrying the amount of rainwater that fell in late spring , which until the first days of July kept temperatures low and favored the development of fungal diseases. In the months of July and August, on the contrary, temperatures were recorded well above the seasonal average, which sent the vines into water stress. The vineyards therefore suffered both from problems due to high levels of humidity, such as downy mildew and powdery mildew, and those due to drought and high temperatures, such as sunburn of the bunches. This condition has forced producers to constantly monitor the vines and to manage the vineyards with particular care, especially with regard to organic production. As regards the last few weeks, the rains and the drop in temperatures have undoubtedly brought relief to the crops, allowing the grapes to reach perfect ripeness. On the other hand, this condition of meteorological instability has made the harvest operations complicated and discontinuous.

Despite the problems just illustrated and a drop in terms of quantity of the harvest compared to 2023, the technical office of the Consorzio Tutela Vini della Valpolicella highlights that the grapes show an ideal ripeness, with a good sugar level and a balanced acidity, prefiguring wines of great freshness and quality. We can therefore rest assured that also for the 2024 vintage the producers of Valpolicella will do their utmost to produce our beloved Amarone, Valpolicella, Ripasso and Recioto to the best of their ability, and we will continue to toast with high-quality wines.

While we wait to find out what the fate of this year’s grapes will actually be, don’t miss the opportunity to become a winemaker for a day, by participating in the harvest event that we have organized for Friday, October 4. It will be the occasion to experience a day among the vineyards, full of fun and the flavors of our territory. Check all the details and availability on the dedicated page on our website!

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